Second time round newborn sleep tips
Having a newborn isn’t easy, you’ve just gone through birth, after perhaps an arduous labour and now you have a teeny tiny person to get to know and look after. Second time round there are a few things I’ve done differently and they’ve made a huge difference. We’re having blocks of sleep which we didn’t get with number one until she was closer to five months old.
Swaddle - With our first I just took it that she didn’t like it and didn’t push it. Not many babies are going to convince you that they like being swaddled, at least initially anyway. Most of them love to have their hands up by the their face and will fight the swaddle to get them there. However, with their arms out it means their moro reflex (the startle reflex they have) can mean they wake themselves up. Swaddling holds their arms down and helps them feel safe and secure. There are plenty of swaddles available so if one doesn’t work, try another.
Full feeds - This is something I definitely did differently this time, especially at night. With number one I’d feed her at night and as soon as she fell asleep I’d put her back down, she’d often just have a snack at this time. With number two I’ve been giving one breast then changing her and then offering the other breast. Filling her up has enabled up to have longer blocks of sleep.
White noise - I haven’t been using this regularly but I’ve been putting it on quietly in the early hours of the morning when she’s likely to be less easy to settle. It’s amazing what white noise can do. Next time your little one is really grouchy try turning on the hoover or the hair dryer - you can thank me later!
Wind - Getting that wind out of them is crucial in enabling them to settle.
Rest yourself - It’s so much easier to tackle the nights when you’re well rested yourself. Use any support you can to take an afternoon nap and get to bed early.
These early days won’t last long, enjoy this time with your babe in the night when it’s just you and them.