How to handle the clock change?
Spring forward, fall back. Twice a year we have the sneaky shift in the clock changes. Gaining an hour in the autumn, losing an hour in the spring. With little ones that are in set routines it can be very daunting for parents as to how to handle the clock change with minimum disruption.
You have a couple of options…
Gradual shift
From four days out start shifting the whole routine by 15 minutes.
Bigger jump
From Friday move bedtime and then the whole routine back by half an hour.
Do nothing
The more easy breezy of you might want to just put them to bed on the Saturday night, see what time they wake up and go from there.
Any disruption from a clock change should settle within a week or so, if it doesn’t then there may be some other problems going on and it could be worth getting in touch to see if I can help.